Oily Essentials Blog

Toxic Free Cleaning for Baby Stuff

There was a time when I felt like I was constantly cleaning after my first son was born. I...

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Travel Essentials - What to Pack?
We love to travel!!

But travelling really changes once you have a baby. 

We were...

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Therapeutic Non-Toxic Playdough Recipe
As my little boy started getting older, he was also becoming more curious while...
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DIY Foaming (And Money Saving) Hand Soap
Some people find it overwhelming to make that first switch. They feel pressured to having...
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Toxic Free Dishwashing

Do you want to eat chemicals off your plate? Neither do we!

What many people don’t realise...

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Thieves Laundry Hack

I love a good hack!  Anything that shortcuts what I want to do. But also a hack that...

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Which Is The Best Essential Oils Company?
The word “BEST” can really trigger a lot of emotions, debates and controversies in...
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Zero Waste For Our Body and Planet

When I started my journey towards a Toxic Free Lifestyle, I also started reading a lot and...

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What's In Your Natural Moisturizer?

Everyone has a go-to moisturizer that they love and for some of us, we found it right away, for...

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How Natural is Your Makeup?

When you’re putting something on your face every day, you want to be careful. Makeup is...

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