Zero Waste For Our Body and Planet
Sep 06, 2021When I started my journey towards a Toxic Free Lifestyle, I also started reading a lot and studying ingredients, continuously comparing them to all the products I had at home. I got sad. Then I got really mad. We are being deceived again and again by the industry that the things we put on our body are safe. The “organic” and “100% natural” labels are B&%$$sh&%. We are on our own. It is our responsibility to study what’s actually in the products we are buying. So I started sharing and educating.
Now almost 3 years later, still sharing passionately, someone close to me has told me that they have found certain toxins in her body from years of accumulation and it is at a point that they will have to do something about it. And I got even more mad. Like many of us, she buys products off the shelf, thinking they are ok to use, when they are not. This is only one of my motivations to intensify what I am doing. To educate people about caring what we put in and on our body. It is no longer a hobby, I have officially turned it into my business! Why? So I can dedicate my time, as I would have otherwise for my job, to do this!
When we moved to Japan, I found this great community with amazing people who follow a Plastic-Free and Zero-Waste Lifestyle. Definitely a part of my journey I need to intensify…and I am learning a lot. However, I feel the focus lies mostly on the tangible – the packaging. But what about the “intangible” – the content? Once we wash our hair or dishes or laundry, it all goes down the drain (literally). And most of the products contain harmful chemicals that are not only damaging for our body, but they are also damaging to our environment. They flow into the soil, into the oceans and they are literally poisoning our planet. And who can fish this out after it disappears down our drain? That’s why we need to look at the whole picture. Yes, we need to say no to the straw and the plastic bag, but we must also choose products that are natural and biodegradable.
Good for our BODY = Good for our PLANET = SUSTAINABLE LIVING
Wouldn’t you agree?
A lot of people think Young Living is only about Essential Oils – but they are so much more than that. They actually create any product you may need, from hygiene, household cleaning, beauty….all in one place, delivered right to your front door. I never have to worry about ingredient lists because I trust this company 100% – because of its Seed to Seal Promise.
We are expats living abroad and I am glad I don’t have to search high and low for new products whenever we move to a new country (often, where we can’t even read the language). I can continue ordering my trusted products. It’s a blessing, truly. Do you want to walk this journey with me? Yes? Contact me!
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